A little guidance and support for a successful and fulfilling Lomi Lomi business

Thank you for being an integral part of our Ohana… The success of Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi is only achieved through the success of the Ohana as a whole.


My success can only be felt through all of you, the Ohana is only strong and valuable through the success of each and every one of you’.


We felt it was time to share some tips to establish and create a viable and fulfilling business for you and your clients.

Define Yourself, every soul is different and you must firstly focus on your own version of yourself, you are truly unique and you must look to highlight this. Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi training and learnings provides you all with a starting USP (Unique Selling Point), you have received an authentic and traditional form of Lomi Lomi directly from a lineage holder and you should be proud and happy to tell all of what they are about to receive. Try and make sure you are specific on how to show and write ‘Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage’ as you all know there are other types of Lomi, we would recommend to define our lineage and teaching’s. Every time you extend your training why not share a few photos and information on each level you have obtained or when you refresh or take on new related activities, your clients and your network would be happy to see your continued development and growth.

Identify, that you had received a calling to have found me and Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi and you have found a path that was destined for you, you may not be of Hawaiian direct descent but somewhere in your own soul being and lineage you have an affinity to these teachings and practices, embrace them and learn to stand in yourself and acknowledge that you have an inner desire to facilitate healing using these ancient techniques and knowledge. But very importantly, remember that you are only the vessel to enable the person who is to receive the treatment to heal on many or specific levels, I always recommend to get your client to set their intention at the start of any treatment to help this process.

PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) and using the universe to work for you…
You may have heard us say that ‘where attention goes Energy flows’…We are all part of a collective consciousness and your energy and attention can have a massive effect on your well being and success. Try to avoid thinking or voicing doubts and fears, if you continue to believe that it is difficult to get clients or for example, reinforce that your massage cannot financially support you, it will attract negative effects and work against your goals and will block the possibility of any miracles taking place.

Look and focus upon a positive outcome that will serve you and is in alignment of your desired outcome, try and replace the negative thinking and outlook to a positive daily affirmation and believe that the universe has your back and that you are ready and able to bring your magic to all those in need of light and call upon these people to find you.
A change in how you approach and see your life and practice will look to attract abundance, seek positive statements and reaffirm these regularly.

Our type of work is personal and we suggest to focus on creating a web and social(s) presence to represent yourself and your skills. Try to show yourself to be genuine, authentic and unique, display you are coming from the heart and you are there to facilitate healing on their behalf. It is important to imagine viewing your website and socials from a new customer perspective. (WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHY). Have you clearly defined who you are? What you are offering? Where did you obtain these talents/skills? Why should new clients choose you? It is very important to build your online presence and continue to add regular content giving your clients and network a true picture of yourself and for them to engage in.

Knowing your worth and valuing yourself. (Adapting and developing our mindset to money and abundance). Sherman taught me that an exchange of energy of some sort must happen with every treatment… (Finance and money is an energy form in our modern world that is needed to exist but there are also other forms of payment or exchange). It is important to set a price for your massage treatment, which compensates you for your efforts and time. You have something valuable to give, massage is something special to share and cannot be replicated by machines or artificial intelligence. A personal touch is everything, you are simply not just moving muscles but enabling healing down to the bones of the people you treat. Not just on a physical level but on the emotional, soul and energy levels. Payment can also be in a form of barter, perhaps the local builder needs to relieve his aching muscles and may complete that overdue job you need doing or your hairdresser may love to exchange a swap to get some overdue nurturing.

Be creative! There are lots of ways to fulfill the needs of your home and family…

Once you have set yourself and created your presence ready for others, you need to start networking and building your audience and contacts.

Every environment has possibilities, if you are living in a small town/community,  or set within a large population of a city/large town you have pro’s and con’s in both situations..

In a small community news travels very fast both good and bad.. you also start from a point of not being a small fish in a big bowl but with opportunity to grow easily. Share with the local Mums at your children’s school, kids clubs, baby groups and your existing network of friends and family… Remember to shout it loud from the rooftops!

In a large city/town, you have a larger audience base and more choice of potential clients (although, you only have a limited number of spaces to fill each week and both scenario’s can provide ample people).

Building a network and contacts.

Firstly,  We suggest you prepare 3 sets of gift vouchers, these should be ‘Free Massage’, ‘50% discount’ and ‘10% discount’. These do not have to be professionally designed or printed but can be quite simple and home-made if you do not have the resources. You then look for local complimentary business or organisations, for example:

  • Yoga or Pilate classes or schools.
  • Physiotherapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Doctors
  • Other types of body workers
  • Nurses or health care professionals
  • Hairdressers
  • Gyms or fitness centres
  • Sports clubs
  • Aromatherapists (Doterra businesses)
  • Nutritionists
  • Reflexologists
  • Naturopaths
  • Herbalists
  • Mums and baby groups
  • Acupuncturists
  • Beauticians

There are also more if you think deeply and get creative.

Set yourself an achievable goal and number of people you wish to give personally a Free Massage. You will need to visit personally the business or organisation and find the ‘decision maker’ (the owner or the person in charge) for that particular business or organisation. Speak to them and personally hand to them one free massage voucher (numbered), we would suggest an expiry date of 1 month, to get everything actioned and moving along. Once they have booked in and received your massage and treatment, explain to them that you are building your business and you wish to share Lomi Lomi with as many people as possible. 

Be sure to ask them about their business and would any of their employee’s like to experience your services with a 50% discount voucher valid for 1 month? Pass to them in their hand 2-5 numbered vouchers and ask them to share their experience and give the vouchers to their valued team members. When the staff/team members have booked in with you and receive your treatment, again explain that you are building your business and would like to share with as many people as possible. Ask them if they have any clients that would be interested in receiving a Lomi Lomi massage with a 10% discount voucher valid for 1 month? Look to pass them in their hand 3-10 vouchers for them to give to their valued customers.

This concept has a better chance of success if you ensure that all vouchers are numbered, make notes of who you passed these too, this will ensure you can monitor the success rate of each type of business and contact you try. You can of course set a limit for your first attempt, for example 5x Free massage vouchers vouchers (5 separate Businesses), 10x 50% vouchers (for staff) and 15x 10% vouchers (for their customers) for the next month, not to get over worked with cheap massages… So a set an amount of these discounted massages per month!

Feel free to change the percentage of the vouchers to suit you and your business, but we strongly recommend the free massage for the decision makers…

The added beauty of this system… everyone enjoys giving gifts and special offers. This method allows the local business/organisation owner to feel lucky to have a free massage for nothing, in-turn the decision maker feels happy and proud giving their own staff or team members 50% discount for nothing so that they can experience the Lomi Lomi they loved. The staff or team members feel great giving their own special customers a 10% discount for nothing, so they can experience the amazing Lomi Lomi massage they received.

So everyone is feeling nurtured, happy, lucky and special and you get the opportunity to expand your client base and look to get regular customers hooked in.

Our beautiful massage speaks for itself, you only need to get people to your table to ensure that the message and love is received and shared… The plan is simple, you will need to be brave and bold and take daily action to aid and assist its success. Start inviting people to your table, tell them that you wish to grow your business ask them to share their experience and recommend your services. If 5 people experience your healing touch, they will tell others, the others will need to experience it themselves and they will then if prompted and asked by you will share and before you know it, you will be fully booked and have a thriving business.

The success of your Lomi Lomi business depends on others, you will need to tell people you want more clients, people may assume that because you are an amazing massage therapist that you are always busy!! There is no shame in asking for help and support from your community and local businesses… everyone’s a winner!!

We would love to hear feedback on how this works for you!! Let us know and keep us informed, communication is the key!

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