
Mahalo for visiting our website.

We are offering an amazing experience and an opportunity to learn Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi Massage by lineage holder Dawn Charlton at dedicated retreats in Australia and concluding your training in a fantastic location in Hawaii. Why not join and share our unique and exclusive massage ‘Ohana’ family, packed full of likeminded people who love to give and receive.

Do you want to discover a true Hawaiian Lineage based Lomi Lomi Massage? We offer something special and uniquely different to all.

You have the opportunity to experience or learn directly from a Kumu (teacher) who has been ritually passed the ancient and traditional lineage teachings directly from a Hawaiian master through serving a one-on-one apprenticeship over a period of four years. This knowledge was learnt in the strictest, purest form directly from Dawn’s ‘Kahu’ Sherman Dudoit, not in a classroom or workshop but in a deep immersive secretive training both in Australia and Hawaii. A Lineage holder is the keeper of the secrets in true authentic Hawaiian tradition.

Dawn Charlton is the first non-Hawaiian to have had this honour bestowed upon her. She has been given the responsibility of the lineage to carry and to share this particular style of Lomi Lomi through various levels of training. The first 3 levels being in Australia or abroad and completing level 4 always back to the source, in Hawaii. You will have the opportunity to receive direct & personal knowledge exactly how it was taught for hundreds of years in Polynesian culture. A lineage of this type can only be passed onto a single person therefore this style of teaching will never be taught authentically in Australia or anywhere else in the world other than by Dawn.

Once you have begun your learning journey and upon your first step, you will automatically join our exclusive Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi ‘Ohana’ massage family.

As an exclusive member you will be entitled to lots of benefits, ongoing nurturing support and guidance. We hold many interesting and varied events at our dedicated retreats, all of which our ‘Ohana members receive discounts and preferred booking status. All activities are in collaboration with our Hawaiian heritage or of the same holistic ambiance or vibe, such as Hula, Ho’oponopono, Pa’a, Goddess workshops, Spiritual classes, Yoga, and many more.

All students develop a fingerprint impression of this authentic lineage to carry forward on their own personal journey. Thank you for your interest and may your life be blessed.

– Dawn

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What is ‘old style lomi lomi’ massage

Where there is Light, darkness cannot exist. Introduce the Light… you are a Lighthouse.

– Sherman Dudoit

If you have already received a Lomi Lomi massage, you will understand the healing energy that sweeps across your body like the ocean waves and touches the heart and soul on a deeper level. This form of Lomi Lomi is a sacred restorative Hawaiian massage that works gently, yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes. Touch, rhythm and ancient wisdom come together, allowing healing to occur. The long, constant strokes are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviours, which can cause as many stresses and strains as muscle tension. Through its rhythm and pattern’s, it activates meridians, energy points, releases energetic blocks and allows the body’s own healing processes to take over.

“Old Style” combines almost endless technique, with “the laying on of hands”, both in passive mode and active massage of Lomi Lomi. Always with the open hand, rhythm is paramount and ultimately hypnotic, which acts to bring the mind to a place of absolute stillness. This “sanctuary” of the quiet mind is where true healing manifests.

It is important to note that this state of “stillness” is experienced during treatment by both therapist and recipient. The goal of this method is to enable the practitioner to work from an understanding, that he or she is merely an instrument, through which life force or Mana is allowed to flow and channel into the recipient.



  • A complete full body massage from head to toes
  • Improves circulation
  • Lymphatic drainage & cleansing
  • Releases soft & deep tissue
  • Rejuvenates vital organs
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation
  • Stress & tension release
  • Emotional healing
  • Instils a sense of peace, harmony & well being



“Upon completion of apprenticeship with my Kahu (or Master/Teacher), he told me that I would be a vessel for this teaching, as the blood lineage ended with this passing on, and that I would travel worldwide for many years doing this. There arose a need to give this work a name. “Heartworks” was born, as this work must come from the opened heart centre, the seat of intuition. Quite literally, this teaching came to thousands of students worldwide, and continues to grow of its own momentum. There are many former students who have studied with me in “the Heartworks method”, who have gone on to self appoint themselves as teachers, without permission. Two students did ask permission, and were given so, but as is the case with all such things, the essential core of this way lost all of its original purity, and sense of honoring the tradition.

It is extremely difficult to maintain a strict adherence to old school tradition when it goes mainstream. This is not meant to detract from what these former students are now teaching, as all things shift and evolve endlessly…only that there is a pressing need to clarify, that since the “Heartworks” method went worldwide, there are a large number of websites claiming that they were students who have studied with me, and given permission to teach, using my name and picture to give credence where it was not given.

When it came time to pass this work on to Dawn, it became clear that there needed to be clarity brought in to an indistinct picture. Therefore the “Heartworks” has simply been taken to its basic roots, “Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi”, in order to preserve its original context.

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